Sunday, December 16, 2012

"We Are In This Together"

 We Are In This Together 

I am one of the weeping citizens that Pres. Obama mentioned in his speech tonight.  I have cried frequently during the last 48+ hours and without hesitation carry as much of Newtown's sadness that I can bear.  I can tolerate the idea of loosing one of my nieces or nephew to such a tragedy for only seconds at a time.  That thought brings with it a pain that has no words.  It is a sensation that I can bear for as long as one can hold their hand in a fire.   But tonight so many are unable to remove their hands from this fire.

Since Friday 12/15 at about 2:30 pm I have wept, I have prayed, I've written; I've taken time to experience deep meaningful gratitude.  I have sat with an overwhelming sensation of gratitude for my family, my health, my abilities, and for the very full and influential life I have already led.

I have also, again, seen humanity at its best.

One individual's loathing of life has sparked an entire nation's appreciation of life.
One individual's poisonous hatred has ignited a nation's love, compassion, and sympathy.
One individual's fierce rage has quieted a nation for countless moments of reflective silence. 
One individual's malignant jealousy has filled a nation with gratitude and thankfulness.
One individual's incessant feeling of helplessness has caused a nation to act.
One individual's destructive evil has compelled millions to seek goodness that is greater than themselves.

If happiness, joy, strength, gratitude, compassion, hope and love can be experienced during times of struggle, adversity, and heartache then you have found each of their true meanings.


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