Friday, November 16, 2012

The Beauty of Community

I am not going to lie, I was in a funk after Sandy. 

Writing, which I do every morning as  an exercise of release had not come so easily these days. 
When Sandy hit my area, without power, internet or phone service I was in a state of shock, zombie-like daze, disbelief from what I saw and heard happened in other parts of the state. Then, something inside me clicked and screamed in my head, “Reach out to your peeps and DO something.”
I CANNOT get through my day without my peeps!!!!
So, standing in the middle of the street (the only place where my cell had any service) I started making phone calls, emailing, tweeting, posting on FB, using my network as a lifeline of communication to the rest of the world...and I have to tell solidified my belief in others and their willingness and ability to do good, be amazing, help...without expecting anything in return. 
Reaching out to my community through BellaThe Entrepreneurial Think Tank for MomsIt Is In All of Us, Savor the Success... you can see what happened in the slideshow.
Our work is not over and won’t be for a while but, the support to get NY and NJ back on their feet, continues to pour in. 
I am grateful to be back to writing and that my family is safe. May God continue to give us the strength and drive to support so many who have lost so much.
You can contribute to the relief efforts in several ways: 
Support  SI University Hospital Employees by purchasing a ticket to Bella's Winter Wonderland.
Donate to the Relief Fund for Sandy Victims, started by ETTM here.

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