Wednesday, November 21, 2012

I looked up and muttered: Thank you!

I did.

As you may or may not know, Thanksgiving is not a Dominican tradition.

This morning, getting the kiddos and myself into the spirit we all went to the grocery store to get our supplies for our feast.

List in hand, checking off what was in the cart, strolling through the aisles...all of a sudden, I hear coughing, gagging...silence...

It was my baby, strapped in his stroller ... choking. 

Desperate and very nervous trying to pull him out of the seat ...(I could’t unleash his straps)... In the background I hear someone laughing hysterically... It was my 4 year old. 

“What is so funny Tomas?” I yelled. With a chuckle, he quickly responded, “I just didn’t know Sammy could vomit like a waterfall!”

I looked back at the baby who was now out of the seat, grinning and laughing in unison with my son.

I of course, immediately followed with laughter and tears.

As I got out my pack of wipes from my purse and tried to clean us all up a bit, I thought about why we were there in the first place: Thanksgiving. 

I kissed and hugged them both tightly against me. Looking up, I muttered “Thank You.”

Thank you for the fact that nothing serious really happened, thank you for my toddler’s innocence who kept calm and allowed us all to ‘chill’ after a moment of panic. Thank you for allowing us to be able to enjoy a Thanksgiving feast when so many close to us have lost so much. Thank you for our family and for allowing us to live in a space of gratitude, for only then are we able to recognize what abundance is.

Giggling, we finished our shopping and I drove home looking forward to this tradition for years to come. I hope you and your loved ones have a wonderful day too! 


Vanessa Coppes

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