Sunday, November 18, 2012

'Balls to the Wall': Make the Process Your Goal and The Dream Will Follow

The power of our minds amazes me everyday. 

Mental perceptions become a part of who we are regardless of being aware of them or not.  They affect how we think, how we respond, and how we act. 

They create our belief systems, our cultural mores, our philosophies and habits. And we carry suggestions over from our genetic heritage, from our culture, from our parents and other family members, from friends and enemies, and from what we have read, seen and experienced.  

We carry suggestions from our environment and from all of the various institutions to which we are connected to directly or indirectly.

Many of us tend to overlook the importance of tapping into a deeper level of self perception

I get it, it's not your everyday conversation to discuss the challenges we face each day.  I am aware that you don't get to work on Monday and say "Good morning (insert co-worker name here), how did you handle your fear of judgement this weekend?"... I agree: AWKWARD!

But here's the truth, the more you avoid facing, discussing your challenges, the more you avoid reaching your full potential. 

The truth is that those uncomfortable conversations, that purging of whatever it is you are struggling with, will only make room for abundance, growth and yes, success.

Get this: self improvement, self growth DOES NOT EQUAL self absorption. 

Remember how this movement was created"Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, talented, fabulous?" Actually, who are you not to be?..."

Here are 6 tips to get you on the Self Improvement Path:

1. Keep a Schedule:  It is a very good idea to write down what you have to do each day. As you complete them, check them off. However, don't feel like you are bound to your list. 

2. Take a Break and have Fun: If you spend too much time in front of the computer, at your desk, or doing whatever it is that your occupation requires, you should take a break. Try to make better use of your non-work time to do something fun. It will refuel you and help you get what needs to get done with a more productive attitude.

3. Be Generous: Generosity comes back. This does not mean only giving money; you can be generous with your smile, your advice, and as many of us here have, find a way to help others in your community.

4. Accept the things you can’t Change: When something bad happens in our lives, we try to fix or change them. Sometimes we can’t. This sometimes leads us to spend hours moping and falling into depression. If you accept the things you cannot change – you will be a happier person. Acceptance allows us to find ways to deal with these situations much faster.

5. Break the Chain: If you have patterns in your life, take a risk, try breaking them and do something different every day. Not only do you broaden your experiences of life, you open up doors for the future. 

 6. Face the Fear: Several years ago, I started living with a 'Balls to the wall' kind of attitude; doing something every day that I didn’t want to do – or felt uncomfortable doing. I know it's different for everyone, but we all have small steps we can start to take towards facing our fears. 

7. Live for the Now: Don't fall into the 'would'a, could'a, should'a pattern'. You know... that list of things you've been meaning to do...GO DO THEM.

"For me, the path to success was never attaining wealth or celebrity. It was about the process of continually seeking to be better, to challenge myself to pursue excellence on every level. The question I ask every day is the same as it's always been: How much farther can I stretch to reach my full potential? What I know for sure is that it's only when you make the process your goal that the dream can follow." Oprah

Don't wait for life to continue happen, grab it by the horns and live. Michelle and I have created this space so you will continue to find the tools, the motivation and the support you need to find and/or continue to live life with that drive that is in all of us.

We want to 'meet' you! Join our Google Hangout on Tuesday, November 27, 2012 at 9pm. CLICK HERE TO JOIN US!

Vanessa Coppes

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